It's Thee Oh Sees! If you haven't checked them out yet, now is the time! These San Francisco dudes rock my socks off! Their sound is retro, a garage-psyche-rock vibe with plenty of feedback, but they do it right. I think they succeed in replicating that sound and that they are authentically driven towards it, not being trendy. However, while the average Oh Sees album is a heavy exercise in psychedelic murk, Castlemania sounds surprisingly light and pop-oriented, if only by this band's standards. This album sounds less sinister and more playful than the bulk of their previous output, and if a lot of this is still going to seem chaotic and off-putting to anyone not flying a similar freak flag, it's an easier way in to Thee Oh Sees' curious musical world than any of their albums to date.
Choosing just one song as an entry point is quite difficult with them, so here's
Corprophagist (A Bath Perhaps), featuring a sample of church bells.
Get your own copy of Castlemania here.
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