C’mon little monsters, put your paws up!!
I may still be suffering from a GAGA hangover from seeing her on the 4th, or it may just be a somewhat uninspiring new releases week, but the featured track this week is “Born This Way.” This might be your time to vomit, navigate away from this web page, or just shrug your shoulders, but pure, unabridged, ridiculous pop music gets the nod from me from time to time. Mainstream Pop is getting a much deserved kick in the cojones from one miss Stefani Germanotta. Sure, she’s pretty much the Madonna for the younger generation, as the song itself unapologetically rips off both form and content from “Express Yourself”, but hey, if Her Madgesty (Madonna) isn’t pissed, then neither am I. Gaga says she was channeling ‘80s Whitney Houston for the vocal stylings and was afraid that she couldn’t pull it off. Whether she does or doesn’t, Elton John names this as the new gay anthem for the decade. So wave your rainbow flags kids, and get behind this song of pride and self-acceptance! Whoo!
Get your own copy of the Born This Way EP here
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