A: No. No, she will not.
After hearing
their stellar performance on KCRW's nationally syndicated Morning Becomes Eclectic last Wednesday, I could hardly wait to see them on Friday night in New York. I'd heard that the Mercury Lounge was small, but had never been there before.
When we arrived, I was delighted to see that the place really is pretty tiny - probably holds about 250 people, 249 of whom were at least six inches taller than me. Luckily, after the opening band was done, a rush to the bar left open the only spot I wanted - front & center - which was where I planted myself and remained for the rest of the night. Looking back to all the hundreds of shows I've attended, Maps is one of a relatively small handful of bands I can actually say I have
Also, they are one of a small handful of bands I think actually sound good live. All five members of the band contribute vocals, giving a fuller, harmonized effect. The setlist included most of "We Can Create," as well as "Start Something," the title track of Maps' debut EP. After the show, I was fortunate enough to meet James, who seemed astounded by the number of copies of "We Can Create" that I have sold at the Olde Record Exchange in little Rochester, NY. Truly a gracious and friendly guy, meeting him made me feel like coming back to Rochester and selling fifteen more copies, just to show those White Stripes who's boss.